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Python for Data Science Training
Session 1 - Introduction to Data Science
Session Video - Introduction to Data Science (45:20)
Session 2 - Conditions & Loops
Session Video - Conditions & Loops (111:03)
Session 3 - Python List, Tuple, Set & Dictionary
Session Video - Python List, Tuple, Set & Dictionary - Part A (104:16)
Session Video - Python List, Tuple, Set & Dictionary - Part B (114:09)
Session Video - Python List, Tuple, Set & Dictionary - Part C (113:53)
Session 4 - NumPy
Session Video - NumPy - Part A (101:34)
Session Video - NumPy - Part B (112:01)
Session 5 - Pandas
Session Video - Pandas - Part A (113:55)
Session Video - Pandas - Part B (107:35)
Session Video - Pandas - Part C (90:16)
Session Video - Pandas - Part D (112:12)
Session 6 - Matplotlib
Session Video - Matplotlib - Part A (83:44)
Session Video - Matplotlib - Part B (105:47)
Session 7 - Supervised Learning
Session Video - Supervised Learning - Part A (100:59)
Session Video - Supervised Learning - Part B (91:46)
Session Video - Supervised Learning - Part C (100:59)
Session 8 - Regular Expression
Session Video - Regular Expression (97:02)
Session 9 - Data Preprocessing
Session Video - Data Preprocessing (88:14)
Session 10 - Decision Tree
Session Video - Decision Tree (109:11)
Additional Assessments
Assessment - Introduction to Data Science
Assessment - Conditions & Loops
Assessment - Python List, Tuple, Set & Dictionary
Assessment - NumPy
Assessment - Pandas
Assessment - Matplotlib
Assessment - Supervised Learning
Assessment - Regular Expression
Assessment - Data Preprocessing
Assessment - Decision Tree
Assignment - Data Preprocessing with example
Assignment - Data Science Statistical Concepts
Assignment - Matpotlib
Assignment - Numpy
Assignment - Pandas
Assignment - Python Basics – Condition Loop Control Statement
Assignment - Python Basics - List
Assignment - Python Basics – Strings and Regular Expressions
Assignment - Python Basics – Tuple, Set and Dictionary
Assignment - Python Basics
Assignment - Regression Models - Simple Liner Regression with Example
Lab Activity
Lab Activity - Introduction to Data Science
Lab Activity - Conditions & Loops
Lab Activity - Python List, Tuple, Set & Dictionary
Lab Activity - NumPy
Lab Activity - Pandas
Lab Activity - Matplotlib
Lab Activity - Learning Learning
Lab Activity - Decision Tree
Additional Assessments
Assessment - Jupyter Notebook
Assessment - Data Science Statistical Concepts
Assessment - Data Types and Type Casting
Assessment - Introduction to Data Science
Assessment - KNN Regressor
Assessment - Python Basics - List
Assessment - Python Basics - Operators
Assessment - Python Basics
Assessment - Random Forest Regression
Assessment - Regression Example (GDP Growth)
Additional Lab Activity
Lab Activity - Boosting
Lab Activity - Configure Jupyter Notebook
Lab Activity - Connect to Kaggle and Github
Lab Activity - Functions
Lab Activity - K Fold
Lab Activity - Linear Discriminant Analysis
Lab Activity - Multiple Linear Regression Questions
Lab Activity - One hot encoding large Data Set
Lab Activity - Oops Lambda
Lab Activity - Principal Component Analysis
Lab Activity - Regularization
Lab Activity - Seaborn
Lab Activity - SL Classification 1
Lab Activity - SL Classification 2
Lab Activity - Time Series Fbprophet
Lab Activity - Time Series
Lab Activity - Unsupervided Learning
Lab Activity - NumPy program to convert a list of numeric value into a one-dimensional NumPy array
Lab Activity - NumPy program to create a 2d array with 1 on the border and 0 inside
Lab Activity - NumPy program to test element-wise for NaN of a given array
Lab Activity - Data Manipulation
Lab Activity - Data Preprocessing
Lab Activity - Data Transformation with Pandas - 1
Lab Activity - Data Transformation with Pandas - 2
Lab Activity - Install Anaconda
Lab Activity - Module Python program to multiplies all the items in a list
Lab Activity - NumPy program to add a border (filled with 0_s) around an existing array
Lab Activity - NumPy program to append values to the end of an array
Lab Activity - NumPy program to convert an array to a float type
Lab Activity - NumPy program to create a 3x3 matrix with values ranging from 2 to 10
Lab Activity - NumPy program to create a 8x8 matrix and fill it with a checkerboard pattern
Lab Activity - NumPy program to create a null vector of size 10 and update sixth value to 11
Lab Activity - NumPy program to create an array with the values 1, 7, 13, 105 and determine the size of the memory occupied by the array
Lab Activity - NumPy program to create an element-wise comparison (greater, greater_equal, less and less_equal) of two given arrays
Lab Activity - NumPy program to get help on the add function
Lab Activity - NumPy program to reverse an array (first element becomes last)
Lab Activity - NumPy program to test a given array element-wise for finiteness (not infinity or not a Number)
Lab Activity - NumPy program to test element-wise for positive or negative infinity
Lab Activity - NumPy program to test whether none of the elements of a given array is zero
Lab Activity - Please write a program which accepts a string from console and print it in reverse order
Lab Activity - Please write a program which accepts a string from console
Lab Activity - Polynomial Regression
Lab Activity - Program, which will find all the numbers between 1000 and 3000
Lab Activity - Python Arithmetic Operators
Lab Activity - Python Assignment Operators
Lab Activity - Python Comparison Operators
Lab Activity - Python function that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one common member
Lab Activity - Python Identity Operators
Lab Activity - Python Logical Operators
Lab Activity - Python Membership Operators
Lab Activity - Python program that accepts an integer (n) and computes the value of n+nn+nnn
Lab Activity - Python program that will accept the base and height of a triangle and compute the area
Lab Activity - Python program to accept a filename from the user and print the extension
Lab Activity - Python program to check whether a specified value is contained in a group of values
Lab Activity - Python program to concatenate all elements in a list into a string and return it
Lab Activity - Python program to count the number 4 in a given list
Lab Activity - Python program to count the number of strings
Lab Activity - Python program to display the first and last colors
Lab Activity - Python program to find the list of words that are longer than n from a given list of words
Lab Activity - Python program to get a list, sorted in increasing order by the last element in each tuple from a given list of non-empty tuples
Lab Activity - Python program to get the largest number from a list
Lab Activity - Python program to get the volume of a sphere with radius 6
Lab Activity - Python program to multiplies all the items in a list (1)
Lab Activity - Python program to print a specified tuple after removing the 0th, 4th and 5th elements
Lab Activity - Python program to sum all the items in a list
Lab Activity - Python program to sum of three given integers. However, if two values are equal sum will be zero
Lab Activity - Python program to test whether a passed letter is a vowel or not
Lab Activity - Python program which accepts a sequence of comma-separated numbers from user and generate a list and a tuple with those numbers
Lab Activity - Python program which accepts the radius of a circle from the user and compute the area
Lab Activity - Write a code which accepts a sequence of words as input and prints the words in a sequence after sorting them alphabetically
Lab Activity - Write a NumPy program to create an array with values ranging from 12 to 38
Lab Activity - Write a program that accepts a sentence and calculate the number of letters and digits
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Session Video - Conditions & Loops
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